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The Briefing


  • Lemmings always think wrong.
  • There exist such a low grade of person, that everything would be destroyed almost instantly. The empire, the land you rest on, the air you breathe, all of it destroyed pretty much instantly and the cause to flee, stating some excuse but never owning up to the cause.
  • The Catholic Church is wrong about everything. Whether this is intentional or otherwise. Their mismanagement has been destroying Italy and the Italian people for thousands of years.
  • Agency, many people do not think for themselves, their minds are controlled elsewhere, they do and think and some other entity wants them to, these people are termed “the person has no agency”.
  • Resources beat engineering, but nothing can suffice incompetance.

The Briefing, is a world information research project started sometime ago. It is situation awareness and terrain awareness of planet Earth. Identified evolutionary technology such as organization formation and largest organization formation as a means to win world resources to enjoy existence, while individuals are also in the battle, they are out-classed if they fail to organise themselves. Such identified organisations are governments, religions, royal families… The perspective is from the conspiracy against the individual and the forces acting upon the unassociated individual. This is not Covid, this is dialectics. This is a study in the subject of sociology.

A mythical character invented by the catholic church

Synopsis. The awakening of the mind is access to information and with age a higher naiveté of human nature. A limited number of people have become so rich and powerful that they control the narrative, such groups turn and use the institutions from their perceived purpose into a force for self-preservation. These groups are the Crown, the US elites that use the US military as a personal facility to operate large scale operations “such as 5 eyes” into domestic censorship, international war and more. They target, destroy and end alternative views and the people that present them. The censorship, operant conditioning, behaviour modification, the wilful ignorance, illogical compliance is part of their operations. The religious group who push the worship of imaginary Jewish people from which Jews gain their privilege and status on Earth. Today the real religions are political religions such as fascism, feminism, socialism, communism while Christianity, Islam and Judaism are always on the comeback. Police are on the rise, more surveillance, more military level operations, more military hardware. Higher taxation, fines and regulations. Persons under these kinds of attacks have become unreported domestic refugees moving from the state in an attempt to escape an aristocratic wealth grab. The least communist place to relocate and those that remain, increasingly find themselves in an internal prison. In 2020, it was the health industrial complex and unusual deviation. The people so sold that it is dangerous to support them.


This is written by listing each major institution, and generally what is observed is the same handful of groups arise in every institution. The people that started the U.N are the same people that sell oil, are the same people who own the banks, are the same people who draft laws, and so on. These groups are resisted internationally by national players, even international war is for their cause, for example Iraq and Exonn or Royal Dutch Shell. The institutions in your everyday life are none more than a conspiracy against the individual to self-preserve those at the top, to theft and to control with impunity. The government is not a service for the people, instead a tool of these groups against the unassociated. The people confused, threatened, defiled either cannot see it, or are wilfully ignorant. What is government, but people like you or I, no higher, no lower, no better, no worse, no smarter, no dumber, except that they are the pre-eminent gang among gangs, and that means they can kill you and get away with it. Eventually, all systems are ultimately doomed because of bad human beings as their corruption reaches threshold. Evil does really exist in the world, and you unknowingly and knowingly aid it, and you ought to know better and not aid it.


  • Manifold or Platform: where institutions are instituted. Example: General of The Banana Republic.
  • Institutions: a field that is attached to a manifold or platform. Example Banking.
  • Organization: a group within an institution or a group of people. Example XYZ Bank.
  • Religions, Cults and Witchcraft: Religions are damage control work, but religions are cults.
  • People – the individual.

These are the institutions of the Polis, while one institution kills as its primary solution the remainder attempt to enslave the individual. The people have no institutions except for the natural institutions such as family and friends. The cult of the Polis is little more than a facility to steal, control and enslave and conspiracy against the individual. Perhaps the human animal is intolerable and action is necessary. Organic institutions that which the people produce for themselves are attacked and destroyed by the government.


  • The Universe - not to be confused with the study of the universe, the universe stays force undefinable. The study of the universe is called physics and is a department of military intelligence for their applications.
  • Hegemon - the most powerful nation having imperium. Current philosophy of “World Government” operates via United Nations and other Washingtonian Institutions. Hegelian dialectic or other dialectics.
  • Military - killing, stealing, destroying having its own set of institutions, the DOD is its headquarters and command structure leading to the highest general or generals. The headquarters is a city of its own, the military budget is carte blanche. Current philosophy is “full spectrum dominance” meaning domination across all levels. In relation to strong and weak forces.
  • Government - Federal, State and Local, runs society or the state, the government controls the civilian. Monarchs generally form a type of government.
  • Religion - cults that indoctrinate people with some program or belief that is unsubstantiated. The good and the bad.
  • Monarchy - Aristocrats, a type of government and a royal family, that families copy because they imagine they are them.
  • Law - High Court, Magistrates Court, laws are made by government and courts, breaches in law or questioning the law are heard in courts. People can bring other people to court or Police can enforce the law and one can be locked in a cage if they break the law or even murdered. The right and the wrong.
  • Banks - money is better than god and so business is what it is all about. Business exists in all organizations or institutions. The US government is controlled by the business community. The U.N was founded by business people. Business is about the possession of money or wealth. Increasingly an exclusive facet of government.
  • Media - people are very powerful and having them either for you or away from you is the large piece of the work, media delivers what is called programming and feed to the people. Media is also about entertainment. The education is also media.
  • Police - enforce the law, provide security crowd control.
  • Fraternities - are clubs and cults that some people are attracted by.
  • Unions - institution that counteracts business from rendering workers as slaves and a means to implement idealisms such as socialism.
  • Academia - an institution designed to disturb teenagers sleep and to suppress talking.
  • Society - all of us, we are all part of a society regardless of our position within it. Unwritten law of social norms.
  • Friends - a portion of society which we live a life with or care about.
  • Family - persons we are biologically related to. Extended or immediate.
  • You - the only person that really exists. Keep the goose juice coming.
  • Freedoms and Rights - your only light against the conspiracy.

Nations are generally not borne of wholesome energies, most are borne from military conquest which saw inhabitants largely annihilated, some nations are born of slavery, other penal colonies. These are neither friendly nor humane affairs. Forces in these nations exist like ghosts that seek to enslave, imprison, suppress and torture. The quest for these nations is global domination and, so, the imperium and the mancipium. The values though narcissistic, prove effective.

There was a time when the justification for war was morals, indeed a religious directive. The Americans update this to control of resources, essentially money. The Americans by extension do as the Vikings did during the Middle Ages, go around looking to steal things, process and sell it. If there is a resource, a party does anything to take control of the resource, extract the resource, sell the resource and this is how large fortunes are made in the modern world and how the wealthiest reside on Earth. The ultimate resource is energy.

If the military can seize the resource great, however if the military fails as it often does, the second option is to gain access by another means. There are valuables spread out through the entire Earth, the diamond fields of Africa, or the gold mines of Peru, the oil fields of the Middle East and it is the daily work to nest upon as much of it as possible and forever to gain more. Today nations are more independent and developed and so access for theft must be obtained through local persons, be it the president, a strongman or the military in charge. They must be brought to an arrangement by being included in a share, paid off, wooed and then the theft and ransacking can proceed or continue.

A situation awareness summary. While the Vatican is very powerful, priceless artifacts, art and a holder of real estate portfolio, investor in corporations and other wealth, their also the clique of aristocrats, royalty, and the very wealthy sometimes referred to as elites and their corporations that have a great influence account for over 75% of global economics if not more. They operate various strategies and efforts such as the intentional collapse of the economic systems to monopolize further and to suppress the active under class. The over-active bond market where taxes from labor is the interest paid to them. Under the elite the law deems illegal and the Police enforce against the very things that the clique are involved in, there exists extreme malevolence the death of millions in pursuit of dominance and control without caveat in fact it is a trait of the elite. Elements of what the royal and wealthy believe is a kind of doctrine similar to the German Nazi regime. However, corporations are still servicing the the wider community. Their is no business, fascism has taken over. The aim, a group of exceptional persons love life and Earth so much that they want it all for themselves, to enjoy the best that life has to offer, they seek the entire earth as their possession and they are not the sharing kind. Everyone else is to be held down if not put down. This is a serious high tension situation where only the strong persist. A handful of groups want the earth for themselves and so there is resistance and conflict.

The Imperium. A military seeks to seize the wealth of world by simply murder of everyone and theft of all and its aim is singular complete world domination. A military is a force not a philosophy, forces wither can or cannot. Without a supreme military you have no position. That is the golden rule. All time is devoted to working on training, gaining and maintaining the military advantage over all others and at all cost. Power and wealth, guns and gold. The natural rule is that who controls the resources has a big war chest. In all theatres of importance we niavely say “this is fun” instead they say “who will control it” it matters not who starts it but who controls it. The power is then distributed to people and that is called priviledge and not associated people can be hurt by people who have imperium with impunity.

The quest for world domination develops into prisons, slaves, control and monopoly. A commander works on imperium, a minister or majester works on mancipium. The Mancipium: what does the military victors do with the conquered people. The answer is usually slavery but the mancipium has several alterations. Human zoo’s, prisons, labour slave camps, eugenics and so on. Mysteriums believe the human mind is the cause of all problems and controlling thought is the solution. Bodies yield from despair, the threat of the sword, in the face of courage. Things done, things said, things shown.

The outcome of a mancipium is control of people to the benefit of the controllers and that can be slave goods and slave services and becken servants, to subjecting people to cruel and degrading conditions, waging war for the controller. Those manipulated believe themselves not to be under manipulation. The field of psychology searches for these quirks and builds systems around the quirk to place people into manipulation. While psychology is publicly advertised as a medical science for people having problems of behavior and problems with the mind, privately psychology is the investigation to uncover quirks in the human being that can be used to form models of manipulation.

the_briefing/the_number_3.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/30 04:15 by admin

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