Welcome the Ganino family name homepage and be good to its custodians, Ganino is the last name of the family. Ganino as in pa[gan]s like Paganini, history, news, genealogy and information relating to the Ganino family name can be found at Ganino.com, we maintain an online presence to work out their family trees and gather news. If your last name is Ganino or a derivative or an associated name by marriage you might find information. Click here for a list of supported names. If you have -gan in your last name, then it most probably stands for indigenous to a region in Europe as administered by the Roman Christians who used the word pagan as referring to indigenous.
Ganino is a name that originates in southern Italy, so we are European Italian, away from the major centres and in a highly aristocratic environment the uneducated peoples of Europe were sacked of their lands and either starved, sent away to foreign lands or sought to escape to better pastures, namely to the new world. Today Ganino like many families can be found in various parts of the new world where immigration was welcomed.
A geographic map displaying coverage and population
The record of most people's names are in their efforts in conscripted national wars, and their status was most probably limited by force to enter the public record by their interaction with state institutions that maintained their records.
Places named Ganino from around the world
Ganino have been known to have contributed to the Italian armed forces, the Soviet Russian armed forces and the United States of America armed forces. The Soviets awarded several places to Sergeant Ganino for his service during the war.
Content submission as Ganino.com accepts all paraphernalia relating to the ganino and supported family names, if you think it's important then you can send it to us, and we will hold it and present it where applicable. We like content that we can make available on the website such as photos, pictures, videos, articles and other media...and we like content that maintains the institution. If you have any or both email the webmaster. The content can be processed with instructions and then made available in a timely manner.
Links page, resources relating to the name and the website. Ganino around the Internet
Ganus Pisa records 1331 vedi Paganus/Pagana 1136 land records. Oldest female is Elena Ganin Christened: 22 Aug 1557 Spain and male is Edmundus Ganin Christened: 1570 England.
The research into the origin of the name, it was thought for some time to be a mispronunciation due to dialects of the last name Canino, it was also proposed to be a derivative of the name Gianni, alas the accepted and most probable origin of name is that it is a derivative of the world pagan.
Online record of...
We hold forum or meetings once a month. If you would like to attend forum, receive a copy of the agenda and minutes or discuss, contact here. Fratres amici, quae pertinent ad brevis.
At Ganino.com we work to provide a foundation for the family. You can contact us if you require assistance, access points of contact to international markets, banking, travelling and immigration. The sensitive information at Ganino.com is secured by password protection so viewing requires registration.
For Ganino family name holders living and passed this website is a token representation to a dedication that more than most have. In being made acceptable to receive and acceptable to give so that it stays in safe hands. Work done valued, persons valued remembered, the pain and suffering worthwhile, and the failures inconsequential.
Finally, take this time to publicly thank all those that have supported our family throughout the years. Thank you.