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There are nine places named Ganino in Russia. Ганино in Russian translates to Ganino. Two places in Senegal, One place in Cameroon, one place in Poland and one place in Spain. These places are possibly named after ranked military personnel named Ganino in such wars and WWI, WWII, Senegal and Cameroon were both French colonies and place names were given by the French.

  1. Canino, Lazio, Italy
  2. Ganino Leningradskaya Oblast’, Russia
  3. Ganino Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
  4. Ganino Tver’, Russia
  5. Ganino Vologda, Russia
  6. Ganino Province of Kurgan, Шадринский, Ганино
  7. Ganino Province of Novosibirsk, Ганино
  8. Ganino Province of Kirovпоселок, Ганино
  9. Ganina Gar’, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  10. Ganina, Poland
  11. Ganina, Two locations in Senegal
  12. Ganinas De La Vega, Spain
  13. Ganini, Cameroon
  14. Canina, Queensland
  15. Canino Road, Houston Texas, USA
  16. Truganina, Victoria Australia

Canino, Lazio, Italy

Lat. 42.46433 Long. 11.74835
Via Roma, 2
01011 Canino (VT) Italy
Tel. ++39 0761437001

(123,49 square km with 5251 inhabitants: Caninesi)

Regarding the history of Canino, Etruscan origins, with most of the villages of the surrounding territory, the first settlements, date back just to the Etruscan period before becoming an important centre under the domination of the Roman Empire. During the Middle Ages the centre fell to the Farnese family, who brought about a period of great development and prosperity. In the following centuries the town became a possession of the Dukedom of Castro and then of the city of Canino itself, before passing into the hands of the Papal States, who maintained power until it was annexed by the Kingdom of Italy. Alessandro Farnese, who was born in Canino in 1468 and became pope with the name of Paul III in the Dukedom of Castro.

Princes of Canino and Musignano

  • Lucien Bonaparte d.1840
  • Charles Lucien Bonaparte 1840-1857
  • Joseph Bonaparte 1857-1865
  • Lucien Cardinal Bonaparte 1865-1895
  • Napoléon Bonaparte 1895-1899
  • Roland Bonaparte 1899-1924

Russia, Province of Kirovпоселок, Ганино

Russia, Province of Novosibirsk. Краснозерский, Ганино

Russia, Province of Kurgan. Шадринский, Ганино

Russia, Leningradskaya Oblast’, Ganino

Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ganino

Russia, Tver’, Ganino

Russia, Vologda, Ganino

Russia, Ganina Gar

Poland, Ganina

Two Places in Senegal, Ganina

First Senegal, Ganina

Second Senegal, Ganina

Spain, Ganinas De La Vega

Cameroon, Ganini

Queensland, Canina

Canino Road, Houston Texas, USA

Truganina, Victoria, Australia

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