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The Beauty of Idolatry

One of the most ancient forms of spiritual practice is the representation of dead ancestors in stone. A group of people in their loss of a loved one would erect an effigy, even more ancient versions would wear a body part of loved ones or even keep their dead bodies close.

The association is that decedents give to the ancestors and ancestors give to decedents through shrines which are like facility.

This is a very beautiful practice, and people that have lost this practice are disrespectful and disrespectful without knowing.

Tearing down these shrines is evil. Replacing ancestors and decedents with Disney characters is evil. Derivatives of what is described above is silly, including encouraging people to worship an effigy of Alexanders horse.

Gobekli Tepe

Dating back around 12,000 years to the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A period, Göbekli Tepe features a collection of monumental stone structures and carved figures. While the specific purpose and meaning of these figures remain under research, their human-like features, including hands, belts, and loin cloths, strongly suggest they represent humans in some form. Speculate that our bias would choose the statues as depicting deities, while ancestors is more likely. These carvings offer fascinating insights into the symbolic and artistic expressions of early human societies. They undoubtedly represent a significant achievement in human history, demonstrating sophisticated artistic skill and the ability to organize large-scale construction projects.

They also communicate a distinct lifestyle and record such as fishing, hunting, farming. Remember what that person was about, respect and likewise think about your lifestyle.

The Sphinx

The Sphinx, with its majestic form and enigmatic presence, embodies the power and mystery of Ancient Egypt. In their time, pharaohs connected themselves to the Sphinx to reinforce their own authority and legacy. Today, the Sphinx and pyramids remain captivating symbols of a once-great civilization, allowing us to connect with the past and appreciate the ingenuity of those who built them.

The Sphinx is generally regarded as a living being. The sphinx can become a conduit for an entity that has been reported to communicate with some people through visions and dreams, as described in the Egyptian resurrectionist religion. The sphinx and the pyramids keep Ancient Egypt alive, which is sought by the ancient Pharaohs that cared about Egypt and their legacy.

beauty_idolatry.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/31 11:03 by admin